Tems: 5 interesting things you probably don't know about this Grammy-winning singer

From being half British to producing her own beats, learn some little-known facts about Tems.

Last night, international music sensation Tems won her first Grammy award for her vocal contribution to Future's hit single 'Wait For U.'

Following her win with 'Wait for U,' the singer became the first female artist from the Nigerian music industry to win a Grammy.

However, with Tems' global recognition, there are many interesting facts about her that people are yet to know about.

Here are five thing you didn't know about the singer from the Pulse Celebrity Desk:

She is half British

Many people don't know this, but Temitope Openiyi is actually of British descent.

Tems was born in Lagos, Nigeria, to a Nigerian mother and a British-Nigerian father; she moved from Nigeria shortly after birth to the UK before returning at age 5, after her parents divorced.

Tems, like any other British person, enjoys tea; her favourite is Orange and Spice.

She wrote her first song at age 17

Tems wrote her first official song at the age of 17. At the time, the singer would infuse loads of poetry into her writings, something that is still present in her writing today.

This was also the year she decided to take her singing more seriously, as she joined the choir and began learning to play the piano.

She featured her mom on her debut EP

Tems featured the voice of her mother on one of the songs on her debut EP, 'For Broken Ears.'

In the song 'Témládè Interlude,' it is described how Tems' mother was reassured that she would give birth to a girl, whose name was meant to be Témládè Openiyi.

She loves anime

Tems like Houston Hottie and Megan Thee Stallion love anime. She named the anime shows 'Attack on Titan,' 'Darker Than Black,' and 'Demon Slayer' as some of her recent favourites.

She is a producer

Before stardom, the Grammy-winning singer mostly produced her own beats.

Tems struggled with artistic conflicts with producers early in her career, along with a lack of financial resources, which prompted her to choose the independent path of self-production.

from Pulse Nigeria https://ift.tt/f03ZQyn
via gqrds

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