Inside Rema's 'Rave & Roses' album cover

Here are a few things you might have missed in the unveiled cover for Rema's debut album, Rave & Roses.

Music covers are an overall representation of the message, the theme of the track or project. Unfortunately, the infusion of creativity into covers in album making has lagged over time due to artists wanting full attention on the actual music and themselves. However, this new wave of musical talents has begun reviving the significance of cover arts and poster images. One artist championing this trend is 21-year-old Mavin/Jonzing World signee Rema.

Since his debut in 2019 with his self titled EP Rema, the uniqueness of the cover arts that followed every release was another element that exemplified his novel style and eclectic take on Afrobeat. It proved that his visual taste was just as exceptional as his lyrical mastery.

Despite careful examination, it is pretty tricky to pinpoint the entirety of the theme of Rave & Roses to one symbol in the distinctive cover art that has been unveiled.

First, is the wooden swing hanging from a cloud at the upper right corner. This swing appeared in the cover for his debut project, which catapulted him into the limelight. It also featured in 2020's Ginger Me. For this writer, and anyone observant enough to notice, the wooden swing appears in songs, where Rema freely basks, childlike innocence, pursuit for thrill and the glory of youthful success.

On the upper left corner is the symbol of a smiling sun. This symbol appeared in last years, smashing seductive summer hit Soundgasm alluding the record may be the heart of Rave & Roses. But asides from this, the smiling sun also symbolizes this album is one for the summertime.

Recall that Rema got a striking tattoo of a tree on his chest and a sword on his neck. At the time he made this public, little did we know it was foreshadowing his debut album. On the lower-left corner is a tree and a sword stumped beside it. This tree has also been featured in 2020's Ginger me. Then, at the center of the artwork is an upside-down burning house with two roses lying side by side beside it. A skeleton holding a bouquet of flowers is undergoing a life-threatening fall, symbolizing heartbreak and the vague idea of love for young adults in this no commitment obsessed era.

With the present cover for Rave & Roses, it's almost impossible to pinpoint the message to one symbol. However, it is clear that the diverse easter eggs, references, and callbacks are from every moment that has led Rema to this point in his career. Rema has consistently made his interest in the visual arts clear, so much that a highlight reel is solely dedicated to fan art on his Instagram page.

As seen in his discography, the Rave Lorde is known for his subtle symbolism and attention to detail in his music covers. In a YouTube special last year, Rema broke down the cover art for Bounce, illustrated by Iamwillysart. Inside it, various versions of himself brawling against one another. This he interpreted as him being his own competition. Hopefully, he'd do the same special for his debut album arriving next month.

While we can always expect fabulous music from Rema, there is one more element for consumption. That is astounding cover artworks that deserve multiple viewing as you inevitably leave the songs on repeat.


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