
Seems there is no rhyme in the arrangement, yes, because that's not how people do call it or hear it. Most times it is wisdom-knowledge-understanding. But the proper arrangement is the first one, why?
They are always walking together and the application of the three complete a man and excel a man. Starting with the definition;


It's the awareness of the existence of a thing or someone (my definition)

Awareness of a particular fact or situation; a state of having been informed or made aware of something.
Intellectual understanding; the state of appreciating truth or information.
Familiarity or understanding of a particular skill, branch of learning. (dictionary meaning)


It's the proper application of what you've known and understand. (my definition) "The ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way, especially to different situations from that in which the knowledge was gained.

The ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding. (dictionary meaning)"


I describe this as the state of knowing the purpose, use, difference, functions and many more of something or someone.

Going by these descriptions and definitions, we would realise what come first amidst the three; knowledge come first, when you are aware of the existence of something then understanding comes in, where that which you are aware of you know the application, function, purpose, usefulness of that thing and then wisdom comes in when you apply the knowledge and understanding you have correctly, to fulfil it's purpose, to achieve something good, then the cycle completes.

Many say and I quote "experience is the best teacher" I partially agree because not all people with experience have proper understanding of what they experience and everyone might not go through proper application of what they've experience so teaching someone else would be a disaster.
Another thing, teaching out of experience can confuse many a times because if you experience is the same thing, you might not need to go through the same process for solution or way out.

When you have someone with the experience of what you are passing through now, hear their stories and pick that which will be of help to you add it with the understanding you have and take the right step. 

That's just the simple fact/way of excellence.

To be continued.....

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