Advertisement: 5 wonderful ways to publicize your business

5 wonderful ways to advertise your business

We have the ideas that can help you get the best marketing bang for your limited budget and we're ready to dish it out.

Advertising your business on television can be quite expensive.

As a matter of fact, a good amount of money must be budgeted for advertisement if your really want everybody to know about your business.

This, however, can be easy for big companies and businesses to handle, but small business owners will always find it difficult to cope.

Advertising costs a lot of money, especially when it is done on a reputable and popular platform. It is a luxury that cannot be afforded with ease.

So the question is, how then can small business owners make their business known to the world?

We have the ideas that can help you get the best marketing bang for your limited budget and we're ready to dish it out.

Read on to find out some interesting ideas every small business can use to advertise itself.

1. Create a website

It is rare to find a business, irrespective of size, without a website these days. So if your business does not have one to its name, it is, therefore, important for you to create one.

Even if what your entire website does is present to visitors: who, what, where and why of your business, at least it gives you a home on the web and a chance of coming up in local search - critical for getting your business found nowadays.


2. Become a radio guest.

Becoming a guest on the radio is not as difficult as it may seem. If you have a running business, however small it is, find a way to connect with a broadcaster who can feature you on his/her radio program.

And by so doing you will be given an opportunity to talk about your business and reach out to an unbelievable audience.

However, you can choose to advertise on the radio if you can. Contrary to the belief of most people, radio is far from dead and can be both a very effective way of targeting your potential customers.

When compared to other channels like television, advertising on radio is inexpensive.

3. Host an event or class

People like to learn about things they don’t know, especially if it cost them nothing. If you can plan an event or class to teach a course that is related to your business, you’ll succeed in getting people to know more about your business.

Print out flyers and post them on busy centres. Places like libraries, fast food restaurants, local colleges are perfect to drop your fliers.


While most people won’t let you post business advertisements on their platform, they’re often more than happy to let you post a flyer promoting an educational event or class.

4. Publish great content

The importance of content in the world of marketing cannot be overemphasized. It has the ability to attract those who, otherwise, wouldn't have their way to you.

If you can create it yourself, better.  But if writing is not your strong point, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting someone on your team to crank out some articles for your blog/website.

Click bait topics to try out includes, top 10 lists, tip collections, best practices for your industry, etc.

5. Online Contests

Just like hosting an event or class, you’ll attract a larger audience by enticing them with prizes upon their participation in your contests.

The prize doesn't have to be an expensive one. Just ensure it is attractive enough for people to come for it. 


The participants and new potential will definitely pay off at the end of the day. Because your contestants will not only know about your business, they will also talk about to people who did not even partake in the contest.

Remember that you don’t need a very big budget to organize it.

And if you’re not sure on how to host a contest, make use of Rafflecopter – they make it super easy to set up a contest and embed the contest entry form on your website.

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